IRNSS Reflectometry and Modeling of Real-time Sea level measurement over the coastal area of India

Observation, identification, and impact reduction of climate change, anomalous space weather, ionospheric irregularities and disasters on the agriculture, environment, and communication systems in Thailand, Asia and South America regions

Ionosphere parameters monitoring in the polar regions to develop a regional model for fast GNSS precise point positioning (PPP), sponsored by WUT, Poland

Identify the threaten on UAV navigation and propose a technique to relief this threaten over Thailand (2023)

Simulation study of the mitigation for the plasma bubble effects on GBAS or SBAS using a VHF radar and scintillation over the Southeast Asia (2023)

Large-scale International VHF Radar station Development for Understanding of Plasma bubble effects on Global Navigation Satellite System and satellite-based Communication system in Low-latitude region, KMITL Thailand (2021)

Project for Studying the Impacts of Atmospheric Changes and Plasma Bubbles on RTK positioning of 5G Technology and Unmanned Automated Vehicle, KMITL Thailand (2022)

Development of Ground-based Centimeter-level Maritime Precise PNT Technology, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea (2021)

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Simanjuntak AVH and Ansari K (2024) Multivariate hypocenter clustering and source mechanism of 2017 Mw 6.2 and 2019 Mw 6.5 in the South Seram subduction system, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering

Ansari K, Walo J, Simanjuntak AVH and Wezka K (2024) Crustal deformation from GNSS Measurement and Earthquake Mechanism along Pieniny Klippen Belt, Southern Poland, Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Simanjuntak AVH and Ansari K (2023) Spatial time cluster analysis and earthquake mechanism for unknown active fault (Kalatoa fault) in the Flores Sea, Earth Science Informatics,

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Ansari K (2023) Far-field dislocation modeling of Tohoku-Oki Japan earthquake co-seismic displacements and effect of ellipsoidal curvature of the earth, Geo-Marine Letters, 43 (7), 1–9

Ansari K (2023) Investigation of the standalone and combined performance of IRNSS and QZSS constellations over Asia–Pacific region, Wireless Personal Communications, 1-15

Ansari K (2023) Review on role of multi-constellation global navigation satellite system-reflectometry (GNSS-R) for real-time sea-level measurements, Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook, Springer Geology, Springer, Volume 2, 333–358

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Ansari K, Seok HW and Jamjareegulgarn P (2022) Quasi zenith satellite system-reflectometry for sea-level measurement and implication of machine learning methodology, , Scientific Reports; 12, 21445

Simanjuntak AVH and Ansari K (2022) Seismicity clustering of sequence phenomena in the active tectonic system of backthrust Lombok preceding the sequence 2018 earthquakes, Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Ansari K and Jamjareegulgarn P (2022) Effect of weighted PDOP on performance of linear Kalman filter for RTK drone data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 9, 1–4

Ansari K (2022) Modelling and spectral analysis of sea-level trend over Indian coastal area, Marine Geophysical Research; 43 (6), 1–9

Ansari K, Bae TS, Singh KD and Aryal J (2022) Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis of Seismicity in the Space-Time-Depth-Magnitude Domain: Insight from eastern Nepal and the southern Tibetan Himalaya, Journal of Seismology; 26, 147–166

Ansari K and Park KD (2022) Geodetic analysis inside the South Korean Peninsula and impact of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki (TO) earthquake, Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition

Ansari K and Bae TS (2021) Modelling and Mitigation of Real-time sea level measurement over the coastal area of Japan, Marine Geophysical Research,

Ansari K and Sharma SK (2021) Ionospheric TEC variation based on GNSS data over Arabian Peninsula and validation with the Cubic Spline interpolated GIM model, Advances in Space Research, 68 (9), 3814–3820;

Ansari K and Bae TS (2021) Wavelet and power spectrum analysis of global navigation satellite system multipath error modelling and mitigation, International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking; 39 (6), 626–644;

Ansari K (2021) Review of the geometric model parameters of the Main Himalayan Thrust, Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook, Springer Geology, Springer, Volume 1, 305–323,


Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), nowadays, is increasingly used in environmental research,
GNSS-based geodesy can be used to evaluate the regional scale and local scale velocity field and strain rate field!

  • IntGeo Solution

    Environmental Research with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).

  • IntGeo Solution

    GNSS Research.

  • IntGeo Solution

    Research on GNSS positioning and applications.

  • IntGeo Solution

    Mapping and GIS.

  • IntGeo Solution

    Geodesy and Geodynamics.

  • IntGeo Solution

    GPS Satellite Signales .

  • IntGeo Solution

    GPS Constellation.

  • IntGeo Solution

    Global Positioning System.

GNSS Research

Aliquam sagittis ligula et sem lacinia, ut facilisis enim sollicitudin. Proin nisi est, convallis nec purus vitae, iaculis posuere sapien. Cum sociis natoque

GPS Satellite Signales

Duis at tellus at dui tincidunt scelerisque nec sed felis. Suspendisse id dolor sed leo rutrum euismod. Nullam vestibulum fermentum erat. It nam auctor.

Global Positioning System

Etiam materials ut mollis tellus, vel posuere nulla. Etiam sit amet lacus vitae massa sodales aliquam at eget quam.